Rodrigue & Arcuri defends a broad range of civil claims brought against private entities. The judgment exposure and costs associated with civil litigation can be tremendous. We develop an individual client-based and case-based strategy which seeks to eliminate or limit exposure to liability. Even a case which is winnable at trial can be accompanied by costs and public relations issues which may be less desirable for the client than obtaining a positive verdict. In certain situations, a quick resolution is what a client wants most. Therefore, in addition to preparing for litigation, we fully assess liability against several essential factors and provide the client with a range of alternative options, including mediation and arbitration.
- Insurance Defense Claims
- General Tort Claims
- Personal Injury Claims
- Premises Claims
- Wrongful Death Claims
- Catastrophic Damage Claims
- Contractual Disputes
For government entities, municipalities, law enforcement, and corrections officers facing civil liability, see our pages dedicated to these specific areas.